Monday 24 September 2012

24.09.12: Fort William to Gairlochy

So, yes we have officially finished the WHW. Interestingly, there are currently two finishing points for the walk. Firstly Shiona is pictured at the 'original' end marker, out at the junction with the lane leading to the foot of the Ben Nevis climb. Seems a good place for it to be. The other, new, finish point is to be found right at the other end of town, requiring walkers to go another mile or so, taking them through the main shopping precinct. Now, you know me, I'm no cynic...

So we took ourselves off to have a photo with the bloke on the bench, taken by a passing Dutch couple we had last met in the forest descending from yesterday's walk. We didn't really mind going into the shopping zone, because we needed Boots & Tescos anyway.

The back streets of Fort William were a bit of a pain as we crossed town to join The Great Glen Way at Banavie, where the path begins to follow The Caledonian Canal. From here we would be walking the rest of the day on the towpath up to the hamlet of Gairlochy, which would be our endpoint for today, leaving the final 13 miles to Invergarry for tomorrow.

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